Sunday, December 30, 2007

More questions?

This is another little rant that I came up with the other night.  Thanks for reading!

Those of us who want change, who desire it more than the air we breathe.  How do we get it? 

How does it come about?  Where do we start and where can it be found?  Ahead of us, many have gone before to alter history, few have accomplished their goals.  Most were struck down and made to conform to those around them.  
Were they not strong enough?  

Was it God's plan for it to happen this way? (In no way during my writing do I question the sovereignty and will of God.)  
Did they just give up when things became too hard?

How are those of us who have seen these so called world-changers fail, supposed to react and go on?  Am I any different or smarter than they were?  Unlikely.  

Do I stick to the same path as my parents and grandparents did?  

Am I foolish enough to believe that I can do something?  

Am I the only one who sees it and wants things to change?

Is it impossible?
After I asked myself that question, I was reminded of the scripture that talks about nothing is impossible with God.

Something yells at me, Remember, someone already tried that and failed.

Am I doomed to the same fate?

Where are the heroes for the young generation to admire and imitate?

Do they exist?

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Thoughts during Christmas

This is a little something I wrote during a Christmas Eve service at church.  I think the Lord really gave me something to think about and write.  Like, why is the Christian life so hard sometimes and how do you respond to those instances?

Men, whose paths are marked by trial and failure, those men know what it is to need and depend on the power of the Holy Spirit.  These are the type of men I want to follow.  Plans, purposes, and actions that have time after time been brought forth by the flesh.  Realizing that afterward, without the working of the Holy Spirit, nothing would last for eternity.  Only the Spirit of God has the power to change men's hearts and bring forth real fruit.  This fruit is lasting, bearing more and more as the person grows in the grace and knowledge of God.  The roots of the Christian life struggle to break the stony ground.  Then the small endures through flood and drought.  These roots grow steadily into a solid, mighty oak, which later on withstand those very things that tried to extinguish its life at a young age.  Perseverance, comes through joy and hardship.  Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

A Brief Update

I wrote before that I would be going to Chile in January.  That no longer is true.  Today I decided not to go on the trip and look forward to the upcoming international trips in the Spring.  I will now be able to attend the weddings of some of my good friends.  It's exciting when everyone I know is getting married, except me, really.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Time Out!

Once again, I have been lacking in posting a new segment.  Since I have not been traveling for the past couple of weeks and there has not been a great need to show anything.  Nothing really spectacular has happened.  The tour for the ministry is done traveling for the fall.  It was time for a nice, extended break.  With Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up, it was time to hang out with the family.

I will not go back on the road until the beginning of January.  At that time, I will be taking off to Chile.  It will be my first time down that far south in South America.  I am looking forward to this trip and what God has in store.

I said earlier that Thanksgiving was coming up, but it has actually already passed.  It was an enjoyable time to see some family that I don’t usually see.  I had the chance to hang out with my stepbrother and his son, Gage.  He is eighteen months and such a joy to watch and play with.

So, while at home I am working back at the daycare that I worked at back in high school.  I just needed a little work over the break and it’s keeping me busy.  I jump at any chance to make money and work with my hands.  So getting dirty and putting up Christmas lights is now back on the agenda.  I plan to sleep in, read some books that keep stacking up, and learn how to pray better.  Along with that visit and hang out with people that I like to catch up with whenever I am back home.  I like to and have to keep up with old friends.

Thanks again to those who are keeping up with my struggling blog.  Please stay with me and enjoy.


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Sunday in Chi-town

This last Sunday, we were in Chicago for the whole day. It was an incredible time from being part of a growing inner city church and the youth event that night. Church was awesome. It was good to be a part of the body of Christ. Too often, when I get the chance to attend churches like this, I forget that all churches are not the same and will not look the same. There are different backgrounds, colors, ethnic groups, and styles. I was reminded that God is gathering together a people for himself from every tribe, tongue, and nation. God is not partial and he loves to save anyone. I was judgmental on the way some people looked. Am I any more special or spiritual than they are, probably NO? These people were alive and worshiped in the freedom of the Holy Spirit and it was so refreshing to see. God is working mightily in the people of Chicago and drawing many families and children to him. Praise the Lord.

I was so excited about the youth event when I was told a couple days before that one of my favorite Christian rappers, Tedashi, was going to be there(that's him and me backstage). He was a real neat guy and took the time out to talk to me for awhile. He was a real encouraging and down to earth. Humility preceded his every word and action. He said that he has to be careful not to put himself into a category where he is untouchable. I thought that was so awesome.

It was a great experience getting to hear him live. I had seen him once before at school, but never got the chance to meet him. I so enjoy his music and the music of his fellow rappers. It is Christ centered and full of solid biblical and theological truths. The group that he is apart of is called 116 clique. That made up that name from Romans 1:16. Their songs are more solid than most sermons that you hear today.

Thanks for reading.

(Tedashi and I throwing the 116 sign)

Friday, November 9, 2007

Running with the BIG DOGS

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2

Today I boarded a short flight to Charlotte, NC. Tonight I will be attending the national Christian apologetics conference at Calvary church. There will be about 5000 people consisting of pastors, authors, and lay people from around the world. I have been looking forward to this event for some time. I enjoy the study of apologetics and God uses them to draw people to himself and further his kingdom. I am excited about listening and learning from older, wiser men of the faith. There will also be the chance to meet some of the higher profile speakers and authors like Lee Strobel, Chuck Colson and Erwin Lutzer. These are neat men who have been around awhile and love to serve the church. Not sure what things will look like or what exactly will happen. However, it will be a great experience and one that I will remember for my whole life.

This tour is coming to an end and I am getting tired. God is teaching me many things and I hope to come to trust him completely for everything that is coming in the near future.

Beau, let me know again what you think of apologetics. See you soon brother.

Monday, November 5, 2007

For you dedicated blog-watchers

First, I want to apologize for not updating my blog for the past couple of weeks. I really don’t have to stay that it has been busy; sometimes it is hard to figure out what to write about. It would be meaningless to just write about day to day trivial tasks. I don’t want to put out meaningless words and rhetoric. I want to have meat and substance in my writing. I want to create something that causes people to think and examine themselves. But, when have I ever had that.

Frequently people ask me where have I been and where I am going. I pause for a second and think about what is the best way to answer. Most of the time, I have no idea where we are going. I am able to recall a little bit of the past because most everything now blends together. The places and things that I have seen just get jumbled all together. I truly wish that I could distinguish between everything that I have done.

We arrive in a new city every day and participate in what is planned for that day. Usually when everything is over and we are all packed up, we get something to eat and head to our next destination. Now, it’s not as simple as that and it’s not just another item to complete on the list. Every place is special and I look forward to each individual I meet and each unique church or school we get to interact with.

Most everybody is familiar with Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz. I want to compare myself with how Dorothy felt in the movie when the tornado picked up her house and transported her to the Land of Oz. Trapped in her small house and unable to see where she was going, she didn’t know where she was until she arrived. She was captured by a whirlwind which took her to a place that she least expected. When she arrived, she discovered things that changed her life forever and caused her to mature in her thinking. With that silly story, I want to say that I feel somewhat like that when I travel. The bus that I ride is like the house that Dorothy traveled in. It seems like the outside is cut off and I don’t make contact until we arrive at our desired stop. It seems that I am just along for the ride. Excitement and thankfulness overcome me when we get there safely.

I just realized that I forgot what the point of this article was. Also, I didn’t add very much substance. It will come and hope to get some good feedback. Thank you for staying with me and praying for me. I miss my family and friends all the time. The Lord Jesus is doing awesome work and stretching me in ways that are hard to express in words. I have spoken to some of you about these things and would be excited and humbled to share with more of you. May you grow in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and don’t be afraid to admit that you are struggling. The body of Christ needs to be open and honest with those inside and outside of the church.

This will most likely be the topic of my next blog.
Preach it with Passion.
Love, Jaret

Monday, October 8, 2007

Youth of our nation

(Here, Josh is speaking to a crowd of kids and adults during a small town block party.)

As I have mentioned before, Josh loves to speak to youth. Put any size crowd in front of him and he will light up and give them his all. His main goal is to reach youth through speaking to them about biblical truth. However he doesn't leave them with just what to believe, but why they can believe in Jesus and the Bible.

Every where we go Josh speaks to both youth and their parents. The overarching goal and purpose though is to impact the youth of this generation. Josh sees that we are losing the youth in our churches and realizes how they have been abandoned and hurt. His whole life has been devoted to studying youth and their culture, and how to best reach them. I feel honored and love to be a part of what the ministry is doing. We see so many people, but really do get to interact on an individual basis whenever possible.

My responsibilities keep me busy and take up most of the time during an event. Every now and then I get to meet and speak to students. I've had the privilege of meeting some neat kids around the country. I thought they would never listen to me, but I really show that I care about them. I want them to know the person of Jesus Christ. The two main events or seminars that we put on are a parent/adult seminar and a youth seminar. Josh speaks to students from all kinds of churches and schools for three hours. It keeps their attention very well. Coming into their world must mean a lot to them because they really listen and desire to seek truth and learn more about Christianity.

The youth seminars usually take place during the week when students are in school. We go to Christian schools and churches. When we arrive, we unload the packed van and head inside to get things ready in a timely fashion. My goal is to find the person in charge of sound and media and become best friends immediately. I work to get the sound stuff set up and make sure the PowerPoint presentation is working properly. When I feel good about those two things, I typically go help the other guys with resources.

The youth seminar consists of three talks; Josh's testimony, the validity of the Bible, and a talk on abstinence and true love. The last one is when he gets the most reaction from the students and even the parents. He really challenges his audience to think and be smart about the choices they make. He is straight forward when speaking and regularly shocks you with some of the things he says. This 68 year old man acts a lot younger in the midst of a youthful audience. They give him new life.

At the end of the first talk Josh walks into the audience to ask students questions about their faith. This part is very interesting, but more than anything really sad. I will show you what I mean. The first question asked is, “are you a Christian?” Typically the student replies, “Yes.” Then he asks, “Why.” You should see their faces; you would think it was a trick question. Then over and over, student after student, around the country give heartbreaking answers. They go like this, “Because, I believe in God,” which is the wrong answer, “Because of my parents” and “Because, I have faith.” These are the obstacles that we are trying to repair. None of them know why the Bible is true and very few have convictions where their faith is played out in changing their life. Students are desperate for answers and the church is part to blame.

In the end, they come out of that seminar knowing they are not alone and they can trust in the Bible, as being without error and unchanged. They really absorb the information, because they are hungry for answers. They see that there is absolute truth and a lot of their post-modern thinking is wrong. May the Lord continue to reach this younger generation for His glory.

Preach it with passion.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Thoughts from the road

Being on the road has been an adventure, one with trials and triumphs. It is hard to be away from my family and friends for a period of time. However, I am delighted to know that they are praying for me and missing me too. So thank you to my family and friends for all your support. Feel free to call my anytime during the day. I would love to hear from you.

This post may not have an intended purpose to make you laugh or tell you a story. It will just be a compilation of thoughts over the past weeks and the things that have played a role into culminating those thoughts and eventually actions. Then again I may not even be able to completely express those thoughts in writing. Most of the time that is hard for me to do.

I love to pursue and ponder my walk with Christ. I know the Lord is full of grace and justice. In his mercy he still pursues and loves those that he has called to righteousness. One of the questions that I have been thinking about during this time is whether we grow more in pursuing the Lord in our own strength or when we or I learn the most during times that seem dry? Maybe it is both or maybe it is not even worth questioning. How do you miss a man that you have never seen but, you have spoken with him and he answers in return? Than man is Jesus Christ and in his endless mercy he chooses to love and speak to his rebellious creation.

Take a step out of where you are and even into the expanse of the universe. Wonder at how much God has created, speaking the world and the heavens into existence. He knows every star and something that truly amazes me is that he knows every needle on every tree on his earth.

(Who is like the LORD our God, the One who sits enthroned on high, who stoops down to look on the heavens and the earth? Psalm 113:5-6)

These thoughts should humble us and cause us to fall at the feet of King Jesus in wonder and fear. I always wonder why I cannot bring myself to this level of humility. Perhaps God will bring me there and that is best. Am I rebelling against my creator in not responding rightly to him? Does he have the right to crush me in his justice? He certainly does. How the psalmist David cried; O Lord, I identify with his cry and say how wonderful the father’s love that he would crush his son instead.

(Our God is a God who saves; from the Sovereign LORD comes escape from death. Psalm 68:20)

The world should weep in thankfulness; however they curse and blaspheme the very God that created their wicked tongue. However, I cannot put myself before any of these. I am to love my enemy and even pray for them. Where would I be if God had not snatched me from the fire? I desire the passion do help snatch others from the flames, but only Christ can produce that.

(…He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9)

Ultimately that is what answers my thoughts and questions. You ask what, that what, is the sovereignty of God. God knows best and will do as he pleases. He causes all things to work together for his purpose. I cannot question my creator. Paul says in Romans, “But who are you, O man, to talk back to God? “Shall what is formed say to him who formed it, “Why did you make me like this?”

I hope that you can understand a little of what I am writing. I miss you all and hope that you are finding refuge in King Jesus.
Preach it with Passion

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Pictures from the road

Hiking in Minnesota.

Underground cave with a little water pond(it was really cold).

Log cabin that I stayed at in Wisconsin.

Ward, he looks 50, but he really is 97!

Me in downtown Chicago.

Destination unknown 2

Hello everyone, I realize that I have not updated this silly blog in awhile and I apologize. There will be more coming soon. I get running around and forget what is important. Right now we are up north and it is beautiful country. These are some of the places I will be in October.

Jackson, MI
Wyoming, MI
Elgin, IL
Beloit, WI
Lincoln, IL
St. Louis, MO
Washington DC
Concord, NC
Lynchburg, VA
Rocky Mount, NC
Myrtle Beach, SC

Things are going well on the bus and on the road. I'm still trying to get used to sleeping and swaying at the same time. One thing that I have been looking forward to is experiencing a real winter up north. In Texas I have not had the privilege of seeing an abundance of snow. So I hoping to ride out a blizzard, which probably won't happen, but I will take anything now. It has been a joy seeing God's creation around the country. North Carolina has probably been my favorite so far. Minnesota comes in pretty close though.

May the Lord bless you.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Destination unknown

If you are wondering where I have been or where I am going, then this is for you. Sorry for not even knowing where I am myself. It gets pretty crazy. See you soon. Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ. I will post more about where I will be going later.

Raleigh, NC
Lynchburg, VA- Jerry Falwell's church
Media, PA
Rocky Mount, NC
Ramseur, NC
Ringgold, GA
Evans, GA
Myrtle Beach, SC
Winston Salem, NC

Washington Island, WI
Milwaukee, WI
Beloit, WI
Chicago, IL
Elkhart, IN
Fort Wayne, IN
Brentwood, TN
Memphis, TN
Fort Smith, AR
Booker, TX
Minneapolis, MN
Naperville, IL
Rochester, MN

Friday, September 7, 2007

The Island

Washington Island, Wisconsin, a place where the goats eat grass on the roofs and the squirrels swim from island to island.

It sounds a little strange I know, but I will try to explain as much as possible. Wednesday I flew into Wisconsin and our destination was the island or bust. The bus was loaded onto the ferry which was pretty interesting watching it rock around the ferry. It had been awhile since I had been on a large boat. Getting to be on the water and watch the waves crashing against the boat brought back memories of past cruises that I had been on with my family. The sounds and smells of the open water were wonderful. It was a great time to relax and just think. God’s creation was screaming at me and I wanted to respond in worship.

The island was really nice and it reminded me a lot of the Caribbean. It was like a little resort island surrounded by sailing boats and rich forests. I was trying to compare it to something and the only thing that I could come up with was a mix between a small town and Gilligan’s Island. While we were driving around we past this small house where we thought we saw animals moving on top of the roof. We stopped because we thought they were fake, but they were not. They were well alive and just enjoying some fresh grass on the roof. It was awesome and funny at the same time. We got a good laugh out of it. I will never forget it.

All the strange stories on the island were about the local wildlife. The island is surrounded by Lake Michigan and the residents told us that when it freezes over the animals just stroll from island to island. The wildest story was about the squirrels and their navigation habits. Someone told that they swim, that’s right swim, from island to island. I don’t know how they know where they are going or why, but I couldn’t believe it. I never saw a squirrel swimming even when I took a small dip in the lake. The water was so refreshing.

The experience with the people and their cooking was fantastic. They were so hospitable and willing to help. Josh had the opportunity to speak Thursday night for three hours and his message impacted a lot of people. The people were so excited because they had been praying about this event for a long time. I’m learning that the Holy Spirit does his work even though it doesn’t seem like it.

Preach it with passion!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Who is this guy?

I have to admit at first he looks a little goofy. I think to myself, what is he wearing? His style is unheard of amongst the people of his generation and mine. If you guessed Josh, you are correct. That is my boss, the one and only. Yes, that is his regular everyday attire. Everyday it is a different color and style. Whatever the kids like, he likes.

Josh has his own unique style. His outreach brings him in contact with lots of youth students around the world. I have watched him interact with kids and the first thing they talk about is his clothes. Usually they ask wear he gets his shoes. He likes to buy bright colored shoes that draw attention. It is a great way to connect with the youth of today’s culture, and it works. He has fun with it and it’s great to watch and observe.
I don’t suggest it for everyone.
Preach it with Passion

Monday, August 27, 2007

Parts of the body

Have you ever wondered where the other parts of the body are and what they do? Have you ever tried to walk around with your eyes closed? You can't; sooner or later you will fall. Now, I'm not talking about the human body, but the Body of Christ. Often as believers we don't get the opportunity to travel and see other churches around the U.S. The body of Christ, his church, is made up of many parts. The bible says in 1 Corinthians 12:

21The eye cannot say to the hand, "I don't need you!" And the head cannot say to the feet, "I don't need you!" On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor. And the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty, while our presentable parts need no special treatment. But God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.

I have had the honor of getting to visit different churches throughout this first of week of my travels. I have really enjoyed what I have seen. One day I get to interact with an arm and the next day with a leg. Each church is an essential part of the body. Jesus is faithful as he builds his church around the world. It is a joy to see and be a part of. On Sunday, we were in Evans, GA at a neat church called West Acres Baptist church. (

From the time we were there until when we left, the people were so nice and helpful in every way. They really desired to serve. Worship was awesome since I haven't gotten to be a part of corporate worship in awhile. It is a great encouragement to see the body growing and maturing in the Lord. This place was different. There was a sincere heart for worship and brokenness. The people worshiped freely as the Holy Spirit brings freedom. The church had to go to two services because they were growing. People came to the altar to lay themselves down in sacrifice. Friends and family gathered around them in love and prayer. God was moving and bringing reconciliation to his people. Praise the Lord for being Truth.
Thank you for posting.

Preach it with Passion

Sunday, August 19, 2007

The wheels on the bus...

The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round. That childhood song now becomes a reality more than ever. The nine month journey ahead will be a crazy adventure. I'm looking foward to with much excitement and anticipation. Nine months will be spent hopping around the U.S. on planes, a large bus, and a mini-van.

Most of the travel will be spent on the large touring bus. It will be are main mode of transportation. However, it's not just any ordinary touring bus. It's packed out with some sweet amenities including my bunk bed, where I will sleep while we travel long hours. When you enter the bus, you arrive at the bus drivers seat. Hugh is the driver and later I will introduce him to you. He is a funny character. From front to back there is a small couch area followed by a little kitchen area. This area stays pretty messy. I failed to mention there are six other gentlemen traveling on the bus with me. You will meet them later, indirectly of course. After the kitchen, you have a small restroom and six bunks, three stacked on each side. I'm looking foward to taking trips to the toilet in the middle of the night, going 70 mph down the highways of America. I've heard it's something you have to experience. Then in the very back Josh has a small bedroom/cell which is packed full with who knows what. Hopefully, that paints a good mental picture of what the bus consists of.

Upon arrival to our destination, we will always check into a hotel. Remember, I didn't say there was a shower on the bus. In college, sometimes I went days without showering. Remember now, I was studying and working very hard to complete my degree. There is no time for showers. I don't tell many people that. I wonder if not having any dates during college had something to do with that.

Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Preach it...

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Life after college

Dear Family and Friends,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you with excitement and hope to speak with you or see you soon. I will be graduating from Texas A&M this August and then will start a new journey. The Lord Jesus has been so faithful these last four years and I trust that He will continue to be so much more than expected. He has directed my path and upheld me to this point and now has called me to take a different course.

The Lord has opened up an exciting opportunity for me to be a part of Josh McDowell Ministries. I will serve as a traveling assistant to with the ministry. My main task is to be as a servant to Josh and his fellow team. I am very excited to serve in this manner because I love to help in any way I can. I will have the opportunity to observe and learn about Christian ministry not only around the United States but throughout the whole world.

Josh is passionate about people and reaching them with the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. Josh's main focus is towards the youth of this generation and generations to come. He very much desires to reach them for Christ and experience a transformed life through meaningful relationships and discipleship.

This is your invitation to join me in this ministry which is a division of Campus Crusade for Christ International. Whether it is through financial giving, prayer, or moral support, I would be honored to have you join me in God's work. As you feel the Lord's leading in this way, please contact me or feel free to fill out the enclosed envelope.

Thank you so much and please let me know if you have any questions.

May the Lamb receive the reward of his suffering!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Near the End

Last night I was in the kitchen eating some cookies that I baked. I didn't bake them all by myself, I had some help. Anyways, usually when I get to enjoy some good food, I like to entertain deep thoughts. So last night I started to realize that I pretty much had a week of school left. I stood there and thought, okay, right now I should feel very excited, but the feelings did not flood my being. I'm not really sure why I did not experience those feeling at that time.

It's almost that I assume school in an academic sense will never end, because it hasn't for 18 years. It's a major part of my life. I start to think, well what am I supposed to do now? When students around me every where are frantically are throwing together resumes and looking for a job. Right now I am not in that position and I am so thankful. Jesus has given me comfort and contentment in my present situation.

I'm sure that later, realizing that I have finished school will sink in when I'm sitting at home bored out of my mind. Right now I can just look back and see God working in merciful ways. I ask myself, really, how did I get through all that. All glory be to God and his grace that flows in abundance. There is no way that I could ever finish school on my own. There is no way. It was all Christ and his purpose. I love the verse that is so true and has really been so evident in the last four years at college.

Jesus says, "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.

Preach It with passion.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

For the newbies

This is an introduction to my blog for those who are new to blogging. I, myself am new to blogging. The main purpose for the daily orange juice is to inform everyone who knows me about my upcoming internship with Josh McDowell Ministries, from here on out JMM. More stories and information about that will be upcoming, because all that starts in August. If you are wondering about why I chose to name this blog what I did, I will try to answer that. My family and those who have lived with me know that I really like orange juice. I especially like it in the morning to get me going. Others turn to coffee and nothing against coffee, but lets just say that I choose fresh orange juice. I try to have a glass every morning if I can. However, I thought of orange juice as symbolic of daily spending time with the Lord and getting into his word. I think that I need to have orange juice and I really need Jesus every morning. To come to him in complete surrender and dependance is a sweet and glorious thing, because you get to watch him work in his grace and faithfulness. Preach it!