Monday, October 1, 2007

Thoughts from the road

Being on the road has been an adventure, one with trials and triumphs. It is hard to be away from my family and friends for a period of time. However, I am delighted to know that they are praying for me and missing me too. So thank you to my family and friends for all your support. Feel free to call my anytime during the day. I would love to hear from you.

This post may not have an intended purpose to make you laugh or tell you a story. It will just be a compilation of thoughts over the past weeks and the things that have played a role into culminating those thoughts and eventually actions. Then again I may not even be able to completely express those thoughts in writing. Most of the time that is hard for me to do.

I love to pursue and ponder my walk with Christ. I know the Lord is full of grace and justice. In his mercy he still pursues and loves those that he has called to righteousness. One of the questions that I have been thinking about during this time is whether we grow more in pursuing the Lord in our own strength or when we or I learn the most during times that seem dry? Maybe it is both or maybe it is not even worth questioning. How do you miss a man that you have never seen but, you have spoken with him and he answers in return? Than man is Jesus Christ and in his endless mercy he chooses to love and speak to his rebellious creation.

Take a step out of where you are and even into the expanse of the universe. Wonder at how much God has created, speaking the world and the heavens into existence. He knows every star and something that truly amazes me is that he knows every needle on every tree on his earth.

(Who is like the LORD our God, the One who sits enthroned on high, who stoops down to look on the heavens and the earth? Psalm 113:5-6)

These thoughts should humble us and cause us to fall at the feet of King Jesus in wonder and fear. I always wonder why I cannot bring myself to this level of humility. Perhaps God will bring me there and that is best. Am I rebelling against my creator in not responding rightly to him? Does he have the right to crush me in his justice? He certainly does. How the psalmist David cried; O Lord, I identify with his cry and say how wonderful the father’s love that he would crush his son instead.

(Our God is a God who saves; from the Sovereign LORD comes escape from death. Psalm 68:20)

The world should weep in thankfulness; however they curse and blaspheme the very God that created their wicked tongue. However, I cannot put myself before any of these. I am to love my enemy and even pray for them. Where would I be if God had not snatched me from the fire? I desire the passion do help snatch others from the flames, but only Christ can produce that.

(…He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9)

Ultimately that is what answers my thoughts and questions. You ask what, that what, is the sovereignty of God. God knows best and will do as he pleases. He causes all things to work together for his purpose. I cannot question my creator. Paul says in Romans, “But who are you, O man, to talk back to God? “Shall what is formed say to him who formed it, “Why did you make me like this?”

I hope that you can understand a little of what I am writing. I miss you all and hope that you are finding refuge in King Jesus.
Preach it with Passion


Drewski said...

Yo you o'le biscuit,

I'm thankful to hear all is well on the road.

I enjoyed your "thought" too, but wanted to know the citation for this quote:
"He certainly does. How the psalmist David cried; O Lord, how wonderful the father’s love that he would crush his son instead."

I'm hoping to visit college station this weekend and spend some time with the boys...seems like we're always missing eachother.

no not always


Pastor Beau said...

dude. you are so philosophical. it's neat. you're neat. i love you