Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Sunday in Chi-town

This last Sunday, we were in Chicago for the whole day. It was an incredible time from being part of a growing inner city church and the youth event that night. Church was awesome. It was good to be a part of the body of Christ. Too often, when I get the chance to attend churches like this, I forget that all churches are not the same and will not look the same. There are different backgrounds, colors, ethnic groups, and styles. I was reminded that God is gathering together a people for himself from every tribe, tongue, and nation. God is not partial and he loves to save anyone. I was judgmental on the way some people looked. Am I any more special or spiritual than they are, probably NO? These people were alive and worshiped in the freedom of the Holy Spirit and it was so refreshing to see. God is working mightily in the people of Chicago and drawing many families and children to him. Praise the Lord.

I was so excited about the youth event when I was told a couple days before that one of my favorite Christian rappers, Tedashi, was going to be there(that's him and me backstage). He was a real neat guy and took the time out to talk to me for awhile. He was a real encouraging and down to earth. Humility preceded his every word and action. He said that he has to be careful not to put himself into a category where he is untouchable. I thought that was so awesome.

It was a great experience getting to hear him live. I had seen him once before at school, but never got the chance to meet him. I so enjoy his music and the music of his fellow rappers. It is Christ centered and full of solid biblical and theological truths. The group that he is apart of is called 116 clique. That made up that name from Romans 1:16. Their songs are more solid than most sermons that you hear today.

Thanks for reading.

(Tedashi and I throwing the 116 sign)

Friday, November 9, 2007

Running with the BIG DOGS

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2

Today I boarded a short flight to Charlotte, NC. Tonight I will be attending the national Christian apologetics conference at Calvary church. There will be about 5000 people consisting of pastors, authors, and lay people from around the world. I have been looking forward to this event for some time. I enjoy the study of apologetics and God uses them to draw people to himself and further his kingdom. I am excited about listening and learning from older, wiser men of the faith. There will also be the chance to meet some of the higher profile speakers and authors like Lee Strobel, Chuck Colson and Erwin Lutzer. These are neat men who have been around awhile and love to serve the church. Not sure what things will look like or what exactly will happen. However, it will be a great experience and one that I will remember for my whole life.

This tour is coming to an end and I am getting tired. God is teaching me many things and I hope to come to trust him completely for everything that is coming in the near future.

Beau, let me know again what you think of apologetics. See you soon brother.

Monday, November 5, 2007

For you dedicated blog-watchers

First, I want to apologize for not updating my blog for the past couple of weeks. I really don’t have to stay that it has been busy; sometimes it is hard to figure out what to write about. It would be meaningless to just write about day to day trivial tasks. I don’t want to put out meaningless words and rhetoric. I want to have meat and substance in my writing. I want to create something that causes people to think and examine themselves. But, when have I ever had that.

Frequently people ask me where have I been and where I am going. I pause for a second and think about what is the best way to answer. Most of the time, I have no idea where we are going. I am able to recall a little bit of the past because most everything now blends together. The places and things that I have seen just get jumbled all together. I truly wish that I could distinguish between everything that I have done.

We arrive in a new city every day and participate in what is planned for that day. Usually when everything is over and we are all packed up, we get something to eat and head to our next destination. Now, it’s not as simple as that and it’s not just another item to complete on the list. Every place is special and I look forward to each individual I meet and each unique church or school we get to interact with.

Most everybody is familiar with Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz. I want to compare myself with how Dorothy felt in the movie when the tornado picked up her house and transported her to the Land of Oz. Trapped in her small house and unable to see where she was going, she didn’t know where she was until she arrived. She was captured by a whirlwind which took her to a place that she least expected. When she arrived, she discovered things that changed her life forever and caused her to mature in her thinking. With that silly story, I want to say that I feel somewhat like that when I travel. The bus that I ride is like the house that Dorothy traveled in. It seems like the outside is cut off and I don’t make contact until we arrive at our desired stop. It seems that I am just along for the ride. Excitement and thankfulness overcome me when we get there safely.

I just realized that I forgot what the point of this article was. Also, I didn’t add very much substance. It will come and hope to get some good feedback. Thank you for staying with me and praying for me. I miss my family and friends all the time. The Lord Jesus is doing awesome work and stretching me in ways that are hard to express in words. I have spoken to some of you about these things and would be excited and humbled to share with more of you. May you grow in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and don’t be afraid to admit that you are struggling. The body of Christ needs to be open and honest with those inside and outside of the church.

This will most likely be the topic of my next blog.
Preach it with Passion.
Love, Jaret