Monday, July 27, 2009

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Friday, July 17, 2009

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009

flying through the summer

I realize I haven't written anything significant in awhile, just posting photography. sorry if that has upset some of you if there is anybody still checking this silly blog out. I have been working hard to complete my business website which is successfully up and running (check it out). life has been absolutely crazy the past couple months and I feel that I don't have the energy to give you a complete breakdown of it all. here's a quick review so far:

-struggling to stay up with my one online seminary course
-lifeguarding under the hot texas sun for the summer, love it
-trying to balance two additional jobs
-constant pain when sitting for the past couple weeks because of unexpected surgery, I'm ok though
-photography, photography, and more photography (shooting a couple weddings soon)
-devoting little time with Jesus which causes all others to suck and be meaningless
-not much time to hang out and fellowship with friends because of previous points listed

It's hard to believe that this summer is passing so quickly. I feel overwhelmed and the ability to slow down and grow is slipping away. I enjoy good challenges and try my best to endure while being patient. so far I seem to be walking the journey well, but honestly struggle more than I know. I come to realize the extreme importance of surrounding yourself with people who love you and can help you walk or run through life and its many valleys. we are not meant to strive on our own. failing so much is proof that humbles us when trying to run the race solo. for too long I have done this and can't seem to figure things out. perhaps I too need help.
may the Lord of all provide rest and grace for the weary and brokenhearted who continue to give it all they have and continue fighting with passion.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009