Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Life after college

Dear Family and Friends,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you with excitement and hope to speak with you or see you soon. I will be graduating from Texas A&M this August and then will start a new journey. The Lord Jesus has been so faithful these last four years and I trust that He will continue to be so much more than expected. He has directed my path and upheld me to this point and now has called me to take a different course.

The Lord has opened up an exciting opportunity for me to be a part of Josh McDowell Ministries. I will serve as a traveling assistant to with the ministry. My main task is to be as a servant to Josh and his fellow team. I am very excited to serve in this manner because I love to help in any way I can. I will have the opportunity to observe and learn about Christian ministry not only around the United States but throughout the whole world.

Josh is passionate about people and reaching them with the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. Josh's main focus is towards the youth of this generation and generations to come. He very much desires to reach them for Christ and experience a transformed life through meaningful relationships and discipleship.

This is your invitation to join me in this ministry which is a division of Campus Crusade for Christ International. Whether it is through financial giving, prayer, or moral support, I would be honored to have you join me in God's work. As you feel the Lord's leading in this way, please contact me or feel free to fill out the enclosed envelope.

Thank you so much and please let me know if you have any questions.

May the Lamb receive the reward of his suffering!

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