Sunday, December 2, 2007

Time Out!

Once again, I have been lacking in posting a new segment.  Since I have not been traveling for the past couple of weeks and there has not been a great need to show anything.  Nothing really spectacular has happened.  The tour for the ministry is done traveling for the fall.  It was time for a nice, extended break.  With Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up, it was time to hang out with the family.

I will not go back on the road until the beginning of January.  At that time, I will be taking off to Chile.  It will be my first time down that far south in South America.  I am looking forward to this trip and what God has in store.

I said earlier that Thanksgiving was coming up, but it has actually already passed.  It was an enjoyable time to see some family that I don’t usually see.  I had the chance to hang out with my stepbrother and his son, Gage.  He is eighteen months and such a joy to watch and play with.

So, while at home I am working back at the daycare that I worked at back in high school.  I just needed a little work over the break and it’s keeping me busy.  I jump at any chance to make money and work with my hands.  So getting dirty and putting up Christmas lights is now back on the agenda.  I plan to sleep in, read some books that keep stacking up, and learn how to pray better.  Along with that visit and hang out with people that I like to catch up with whenever I am back home.  I like to and have to keep up with old friends.

Thanks again to those who are keeping up with my struggling blog.  Please stay with me and enjoy.



Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are going to visit Chile it will broaden your horizons to see the work God is doing in South America. Also thanks for kicking with me on your break it's good to know you make time for your friends.

evan said...

i was part said learn to pray better. there are two types of rights. one lets you grow and ultimately be sufficient for God's standards. weak as it was the law has not been the means for this that we hoped for. the only way to be right at all is from knowing that He is happy with us now and has given us right standing. we believe in too much karma, and if we do something good then we get good and visa versa. what about babies that die and wicked men that rule there whole lives. it all has to be based soley on Jesus' goodness.

trying to encourage you. this stuff came from a matt chandler sermon on eccl. dated 10/8/06

Pastor Beau said...

Jaret. It is your time.